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About Us

Panjshir Aid is a non-profit organisation committed to supporting the welfare and integration of refugees and asylum seekers, particularly those from Afghanistan.  Our organisation is motivated by the pressing situation in Afghanistan, driving us to extend our support to those affected by the crisis. With over 20 years of experience, our team, comprising British-Afghan members, along with committed volunteers who share their personal experiences, enables us to understand local, cultural, and ethnic issues better. Our goal is to empower, educate, and bring together Afghans across the U.K.


If you or someone you know is a refugee or asylum seeker from Afghanistan, Panjshir Aid is here to support individuals on their journey towards integration and social participation. 


To support the welfare and integration of refugees and asylum seekers, particularly those from Afghanistan, through empowerment, education, and community cohesion.


A society where Afghan refugees and asylum seekers in the U.K. thrive, integrate seamlessly, and contribute positively to their communities.

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